Sunday, August 26, 2007

Adsense Widget for Monetizing Your Blog

Originally uploaded by missmellydean
If you are interested in monetizing your blogging, adding adsense to your blog is very important. Where you place your adsense does impact the number of clicks you get.

Many people place their adsense on the right column or at the top. This may lead to ad blindness which occurs when you look at the same format over and over again. They know those listings are advertisements and unconsciously filter them out.

A good way to overcome ad blindness is to put adsense in unexpected places. So you might want to experiment with placing your ads between posts. This placement is in the natural flow of text which may lead to a greater amount of clicks on your ads.

Have you wanted to insert your Google adsense between your blog posts without complicated coding instructions? You are in luck. Apparently, there is enough of you out there wanting to insert adsense, that Google has now developed a new adsense widget. You can add your adsense between your blog post just the same way you add adsense to other areas of your blog.

Google has a new post titled "Get Inline" at their adsense blog at They show how to add adsense. It is really easy to do like everything else on Blogger.

This is what you need to do:

1. Log into your Blogger account.
2. Go to your blog's template tab and click on "page elements" link.
3. Go to "blog posts" and click on "edit" located on the lower right corner.
4. Under "select items" check the "show ads between posts" box.
5. Under "configure inline ads" you can select how often you want your adsense to appear. For example, you can them appear after every post or after every other post.
6. Next, you can customize your adsense such as choosing format and colors.
7. Most important, save your changes.

Since Google now owns Blogger, Google is becoming responsive to input from Blogger's users. Hopefully, we may see more changes and improvements to Blogger as feedback to Google continues.

Many people place their adsense on the right column or at the top. This may lead to ad blindness which occurs when you look at the same format over and over again. They know those listings are advertisements and unconsciously filter them out.

A good way to overcome ad blindness is to put adsense in unexpected places. So you might want to experiment with placing your ads between posts. This placement is in the natural flow of text which may lead to a greater amount of clicks on your ads.

You need to follow Google's term of service for adsense placement. You can be banned if you break the rules. You are allowed to have only three ad units per page. However, Blogger makes easy to follow the rules by allowing a maximum of three ad units in the blog post. So, you will not exceed the maximum limit if you add adsense between blog posts. You just cannot go on to add adsense anywhere else on your blog.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Top 6 CMS

Originally uploaded by castellani.marco
CMS stands for Content Management System which is a software program used in managing a website. You often don't need any knowledge of html code or web languages in order to use a CMS. This method of creating a website is sometime called "wysiwyg" or "What You See Is What You Get" because the content during editing appears to be very similar to the final product.

There are many CMS system to choose from and some of the most popular CMS are open source or free. All but one of the top rated CMS systems I have included are from winners of the CMSWire contest and the top hits from

1. Joomla

Joomla is a free, multifunctional content management system or cms. Due to it's ease of use, it has an ever growing community of more than 40,000 users and developers. It's simple, browser-based interface makes it easy to add content pages to your website. For many people, Joomla's attraction is it's ability to be modified with the many hundreds of component addons and plugin that can be added to the website system framework. This way your website can be made to fit your needs. Also, Joomla does a good job of managing the web content needed to run the website.

2. Drupal

Drupal is an open source CMS that is written in PHP and requires a MySQL database. It is an excellent, lightweight, flexible system which can be used to making a variety of sites from blogs to large community websites. Drupal's simple design is easy to customize and it has built-in search tool and search-engine friendly URL's as an extra add on module.

Drupal has many features for building community sites. So, it would be a good choice for a blogging or news site, but it can also support a standard website.

3. Plone

Plone is a free easy to install, full featured, flexible enterprise-ready CMS. However, if you want to add an extension you need a good grasp of Python and web programming. Even if you just use the default installation, you will have a very full featured website to use. Plone is built on top of Zope and has much of the extensibility that Zope has to offer. Plone would be a good fit for someone who is familiar with programming and needs a flexible, scalable CMS.

4. CMS Made Simple

CMS Made Simple has many enthusiastic reviews. It is as the name states. It is a free, very simple CMS that someone with no web experience can use to create and manage a page based website. It is very easy to add content and addons to the site. A list of modules is included in the admin interface from which the modules can be downloaded.

Unlike, Drupal, it does not have community based features such as commenting or forums. It is good for someone who just wants to add or update pages to a brochure ware website.

5. Mambo

Mambo, formerly named Mambo Open Source or MOS, is a free, easy to use CMS. Mambo has attracted many users through it's ease in adding and managing web pages. It's more advanced features such as page caching, advanced templating techniques and robust API has attracted users who are looking for a more complex website. Mambo also offers RSS feeds, forums, polls, blogs, news flashes and etc.

Mambo is useful for creating simpler as well more complex websites.

6. WordPress

Last, I have included WordPress among the CMS system. Both Wikipedia and Gobala Krishnan in WebPro News believe that Wordpress has expanded beyond being an open source blogging tool to becoming a CMS. Since it is enormously popular, I have added it to the list. Gobala Krishnan explains that,"it's all a matter of having clear goals and the right plugins and partnering with the right services."

For example, WordPress was used by medical blogger Graham, at Standford University's medical school, to create a Community Health Resource Center website.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

How to Construct Hyperlinks for Search Engine Purposes

Just follow the path.
Originally uploaded by Schepers
Hyperlinks are used daily everywhere in the web. They are found in blogs, websites, advertisements and etc. In fact, the huge network of web pages known as world wide web or www is interconnected by hyperlinks and would not exist without them. Hyperlinks are not only found in the web, but maybe used in almost any electronic media such as CD-ROMs or game consoles.

How Can I Use a Hyperlink?

You use a hyperlink every time you click on a live link. It would say something like, "Click here for a free widget." When you click there, you are automatically taken to another website where you can download or order the free widget. A hyperlink or live link is the word or phrase covering a website address.

How Can I Make a Hyperlink?

A hyperlink is HTML code consisting of two ends or anchor tags and a direction or valid web address. The hyperlink text is usually underlined and in various colors to show the current status of the hyperlink. The different colors would tell you if the hyperlink had been "visited" or "activated" for instance. When you code a hyperlink it looks something like this, but with <> at the beginning and the end.

href = "web address"> text or image message < / a

This hyperlink will take you from one web address to another address. I have added extra spaces so that the link will not be live. For a live link, there should be no space except at the beginning between the "a" and "href." To go a particular location on a web page, you would use slightly different HTML code.

How Can I Go to Specific Location on a Web page by Hyperlink?

You will use the same HTML code but with one small change. Instead of using a web address, you will use a fragment identifier and the "#" symbol. It would look something like this, but with "<" and ">" added at the beginning and end.

href = "# widget"

Next, you will need to indicate where you want the hyperlink to go to on the page. To do this, you would write code to the location. Then, you would place the code on your web page at the place where you want the hyperlink. It would look something like this, but with the "<" and the ">" added at the beginning and end.

name = "widget"

How Do Hyperlinks Help Search Engines?

Another tool to find websites is the search engine. This in turn relies on hyperlinks to locate other websites. Today there is an enormous amount of websites to search through. So the search engine uses a page ranking system to determine which website to bring up first. The page ranking system is largely based on hyperlink or link popularity.

Although the page ranking system is pretty complex, it all boils down to one simple rule. The more page links or hyperlinks you get, the higher rank your website page gets. Another simple rule measures the quality of the page rank. One link with a high page rank gives a higher page rank to your website than several links with a lower page rank. So together, quantity with quality works together to assign a page rank to your website. This in turns, determines whether a search engine will bring your website up first, tenth or etc. in response to a search.

To learn other HTML code, you may want to buy a comprehensive code guide. Also, there are free internet tutorials that will teach you the basics of HTML code.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Why Permalinks and How Do You Use Them?

Originally uploaded by gravityfailsme
Almost every day, permalinks are used and casually referred to. The unspoken assumption assumes a common knowledge as to what permalinks are and how they are used.

In the course of reading a book or article, I often come across certain words again and again until they are familiar. But some how along the way, I never did learn the meaning. Sometimes, I even have acquired a wrong definition that is not corrected until I go to the dictionary and look up the word. That is not the case with permalink. Not a wrong definition, but I have never looked up what it actually means and does.

Wikipedia defines permalink as a portmanteau word made up from permanent link which never changes. Thereby, any link disintegration is avoided. Most weblog use permalinks as an URL that points to particular blogging entry long after it has been moved from the front page to the archives. Making it useful for tracking and saving pervious blogs.

Here is another word, portmanteau. It is a word that is made up from two other words. An example is blog. It is made from web and log as in journal. A blog is a journal online.

Although other types of websites may use permalinks, it found more readily in weblogs. This is because a blog with continuous new entries will feature an entry for only a short time before it is move from its front page to the archives.

Many visitors to weblogs want to store the URL for a particular entry that is on the front page. They may find when they revisit the site that the article that they want to store has been replaced by another entry. So many bloggers prominently post permalinks so that the visitor will store the long lived URL or permalink for reference.

Weblogs use permalinks in numerous other ways. They can be used for link tracing, link trackbacks and various feeds since they refer to specific weblog entries.

There is not one correct way to format permalink URL. Generally, permalinks are made of a string of characters which represent the date and time of posting and author. Then if the article is renamed, edited or archived, the permalink functions as a internal database identifier. For example, Blogger has a feature which a post's ID is placed in the Blogger template and a permalink is created.

While Blogger takes care of permalinks for you, users of Wordpress weblogs can take a more active role. If you use Wordpress you can customize your permalink from the WordPress admin panel.

The Wordpress default permalink is considered ugly and unprofessional. The URL looks something like this: (where 15 is the post number)

This Permalink is ugly with all the letters and question mark. It does not give the reader information about the post other than the number. The default does work on all server environments such as Linux and Windows.

Wordpress does offer three options to change the permalink to being pretty which can give more information about the entry in the permalink title.

The first option gives the posts' date and name and looks something like this:

The second option is numeric and looks something like this:

The third option is custom in which you can specify the permalink structure you want. This is useful if you want to add keywords to your URL for seo purposes.

The writer at gave his method of adding keywords to the permalink. The format is:


He goes on to say that he added post_id%.htm to distinguish between other posts with the same name.

So the he states that the resulting URL will look something like this:

If you wish, you could use .html instead of .htm as show in the example. Either way, you will not create actual .html files. It is just an illusion and does not offer any search engine benefits. It just gives a cleaner look and you can number your posts per example.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Z List Rediscovered

I found the Z List meme in one of DoshDosh's posts. I thought it sounded like fun and had some interesting sites to look at later on. Although the possibility of adding traffic exists. That should not be your main focus. DoshDosh states it best when she adds that genorosity not traffic gain should be your main movitation for adding the list to your blog.

A later follow up report confirmed that approach as some writers were unhappy with the list. They expected to see immediate increase in their seo. It is best to look at the list as way to discover other great blogs that you did not know existed. I found several blogs from this list that I go to almost daily now.

The orginal Z list was started by Mark Collier from A Viral Garden in December 2006. The Z List is a blog meme in which the participants copy and paste the list of blogs and add any blogs that they feel deserve a spot in the sun. I did not add any blogs as the list is quite long by the time I found it.

Mack Collier from A Viral Garden started ‘The Z List‘ in December 2006 as a response towards Technorati’s method of assigning authority based on the number links pointing to a blog. The Z list is a blog meme, which is a list bloggers create and share links to blogs. It really all about sharing blogs that you enjoy with other bloggers.

Two more people should be mentioned, Becky Carroll and Sharon Sarmiento. They took the list and organized it in a grid format. I tried to present it as close to their format as I could on blogger. They can be found at: Becky Carroll Sharon Sarmiento

Here is the list of blogs that people submitted as some of their favorite blogs:

Calico Monkey - Blog Name
Animation - Catagory
Focuses on the ToonBoom software to create animation. - Description

Women, Art, Life: Weaving It All Together - Blog Name
Tammy Vitale - Aurthor
Maryland, USA - Location
Art - Catagory
Art-focused, including thoughts on the art that Tammy produces. - Description

Woolgathering - Blog Name
Elizabeth Perry - Author
Art - Description
Looking, thinking, drawing, being - Description

World Blog Collection - Blog Name
ugyen - Author
Blog aggregator - Catagory
Blog listings categorized by type; goal to add 1000 links in ’07. - Description

Blogging Secret - Blog Name
Louiss Lim - Author
Malaysia - Location
Blogging - Catagory
Part personal but mostly blogging related site. - Description

Blogging to Fame - Blog Name
Divya Uttam - Author
India - Location
Blogging - Catagory
All aspects of online business from SEO to usability and blogging. - Description

Blog-Op - Blog Name
Chris Lodge - Author
Blogging -Location
How to improve your blogging by Chris and others. - Description

Daily Blog Tips - Blog Name
Daniel - Author
Blogging - Catagory
Tips to improve your blogging from tools to design. - Description

Mike's Money Making Mission - Blog Name
Mike - Name
Blogging - Catagory
Making money using free blogs. - Description

One Reader at a Time - Blog Name
Bob Glaza - Author
Blogging - Catagory
One blogger’s experiment in building and engaging with online communities. - Description

Ruminate this site - Blog Name
The Ruminator - Author
Maine, USA - Location
Blogging - Catagory
Reviews blogs and sites so that we don’t have to. - Description

SMogger Social Media Blog - Blog Name
Linda Bustos - Author
Vancouver, Canada - Location
Blogging - Catagory
The ethical use of social media for bloggers and other web users. -Description

SuccessCREEations - Blog Name
Chris Cree - Author
Georgia, USA - Location
Blogging - Catagory
Blog Consultant bringing the twin passions of business and blogging together. - Description

Successful Blog - Blog Name
Liz Strauss - Author
Blogging - Location
The legendary Liz Strauss, blogger extraordinaire and creator of the SOB award. - Description

Troy Worman's Blog - Blog Name
Troy Worman - Author
Jacksonville, USA - Location
Blogging - Catagory
Focus on writing, ideas and connections - Description

Copywriter's Crucible - Blog Name
Matt Ambrose - Author
UK - Location
Blogging, Copywriting - Catagory
The importance of copy in corporate blogging - Description

Copywriting Tuneups - Blog Name
Eric Rosen - Author
Blogging, Copywriting - Catagory
How to measure reading effectiveness and why it is important in the blogosphere - Description

Dipping into the Blogpond - Blog Name
Meg - Author
Sydney, Australia - Location
Blogging, Tech - Catagory
Blogging about starting an Internet company in the Sutherland Shire. - Description

BrandSizzle - Blog Name
Anne Simons - Author
Branding - Catagory
Broad and deep insight into the branding process. - Description

Own Your Brand! - Blog Name
Mike Wagner - Author
Iowa, USA - Location
Branding - Catoagory
Blog to help businesses re-imagine their brands. - Description

The Emerging Brand - Blog Name
Anna Farmery - Author
UK - Location
Branding -Catagory
Corporate branding blog focused on leadership. - Description

The Engaging Brand - Blog Name
Anna Farmery - Author
UK - Location
Branding - Catagory
Using technology and marketing knowledge to improve business communications. - Description

What is Brand? - Blog Name
Japan - Location
Branding - Catagory
Japanese readers/speakers? Anyone? - Description

Presentation Zen - Blog Name
Garr Reynolds - Author
Japan - Location
Business - Catagory
(Site in English) Tips for great presentations, marketing, and business communications. - Description

Bob Sutton - Blog Name
Bob Sutton - Author
California, USA - Location
Business - Catagory
Discussions of “jerks” in business. - Description

Ramblings from a Glass Half Full - Blog Name
Terry Starbucker - Author
Connecticut, USA - Location
Business - Catagory
Views on business life. - Description

Simplicity Mary’s Blog- Blog Name
Mary Schmidt - Author
New Mexico, USA - Location
Business - Catagory
Business development, marketing troubleshooting - Descriptions

Funny Business - Blog Name
Scrambled Toast - Author
Business commentary - Catagory
Wide ranging discussion on business with a funny and pictorial approach. - Description

Creative Think - Blog Name
Roger von Oech - Author
California, USA - Location
Business, Creativity - Catagory
Fun Ideas to stimulate your creativity. - Description

The Copywriting Maven - Blog Name
Roberta Rosenberg - Author
Washington DC, USA - Location
Copywriting - Catagory
Marketing and SEO copywriting tips. - Description

Brain Based Biz - Blog Name
Robyn McMaster - Author
Creativity - Catagory
Tips for stirring creativity in business. - Description

Experienceology - Blog Name
Stephanie Weaver - Author
California, USA - Location
Customer Experience - Catagory
How to create great customer experiences on the web and in the “real” world. - Description

Shut Up and Drink the Kool-Aid! - Blog Name
Tim Jackson - Author
Cycling, Blogging - Location
The irrepressible Tim MasiGuy Jackson and Co’s slant on bicycle marketing. - Description

MineThatData - Blog Name
Kevin Hillstrom - Author
Database Marketing - Catagory
Tips for database marketing from the viewpoint of a DM wiz. - Description

Design Sojourn - Blog Name
DT - Author
Sydney and Singapore - Location
Design - Catagory
How to do good design and create clever products.- Description

aialone - Blog Name
JT (Jon) Winebrenner - Author
Canada - Location
Design, tech - Catagory
Design, innovation, as well as Jon’s cartoons! - Description

Frozen Puck - Blog Name
Brock Skywalker - Author
Canada - Location
Eclectic - Catagory
Making cool stuff with expensive toys - Description

Movie Marketing Madness - Blog Name
Chris - Author
Entertainment, marketing - Catagory
Marketing with a focus on Hollywood. No info on About page. - Description

gDiapers - Blog Name
Jason - Author
Oregon, USA - Location
Environment - Catagory
Corporate blog discussing environmental issues. - Description

Time to Budget - Blog Name
Mona Weathers - Author
Finance - Catagory
How to gain financial freedom by controlling your finances. - Description

Girls Swimsuits - Blog Name
Preety - Author
Girls - Catagory
The name says it all, new site, small archive. - Description

Home Business Wiz - Blog Name
Barbra Sundquist - Author
Canada - Location
Home business - Catagory
Collection of resources about home business. - Description

Working at Home on the Internet - Blog Name
Joe Hauckes - Author
Home business, Blogging - Catagory
Home business entrepreneurs and making money from home - Description

Kristie T - Blog Name
Kristie Tamsevicius - Author
Home business, Online Money Making - Catagory
Fun, mom-geared work-at-home tips and advice on making money on the net. - Description

Leading Questions - Blog Name
Ed Brenegar - Author
USA - Location
Leadership - Catagory
Real life leadership, organisational tranformation and practical tips for leaders of all kinds. - Description

Make It Great! - Blog Name
Phil Gerbyshack - Author
Wisconsin, USA - location
Life coaching - Catagory
How to take your life from good to great by focusing on relationships. - Description

You Already Know This Stuff - Blog Name
Jodee Bock - Author
Fargo, USA - Location
Life Coaching - Catagory
Reminding us all that what we need to know is already in our minds and hearts. - Description

HolyMama! - Blog Name
USA - Location
Lifestyle - Catagory
Funny perspective on life from a stay at home Christian mom. - Description

My Marrakesh - Blog Name
Maryam Montegue - Author
Morocco - Location
Lifestyle - Catagory
Expatriate American with an eye for style, architecture and good living - Description

Gangster Sonny - Blog Name
Mafia - Catagory
Fascinated with all things mafia … from movies to weapons. - Description

Talking Story - Blog Name
Rosa Say - Author
Hawaii, USA - Location
Management - Catagory
Management and leadership, Hawaiian style. - Description

AENDirect - Blog Name
Aen Tan - Author
Singapore - Location
Marketing - Catagory
Freelance art director’s view on creativity and advertising - Description

Being Peter Kim - Blog Name
Peter Kim - Author
Massachusetts, USA - Location
Marketing - Catagory
Personal insights from the depths of Forrester (note: this is his personal, not Forrester, blog). - Description

BizandBuzz - Blog Name
Gianandrea Facchini - Author
Rome, Italy - Location
Marketing - Catagory
Brand building and marketing from an Italian perspective - Description

bizsolutionsplus - Blog Name
Lewis Green - Author
Connecticut, USA - Locaation
Marketing - Catagory
A passionate and respected author, marketer and activist. - Description

Blog Till You Drop! - Blog Name
Laurence-Hélène - Author
UK - Location
Marketing - Catatory
Marketing, advertising, branding, blogging - Description

Branding & Marketing - Blog Name
Chris Brown - Author
Ohio, USA - Location
Marketing - Catagory
Designed for business professionals with an interest in branding and marketing. - Description

Buzzoodle - Blog Name
Ron McDaniel - Author
Ohio, USA - Location
Word of mouth, Marketing - Catagory
Creating buzz with word of mouth marketing. - Description

Christine Kane - Blog Name
Christine Kane - Author
Marketing, Music - Catagory
A recording artist, Christine harnesses the power of community to reach her audience. - Description

CKs Blog - Blog Name
Christina Kerley - Author
New York, USA - Location
Marketing - Catagory
Clever strategies, the new best practices, and the smart marketers behind them. - Description

Conversation Agent - Blog Name
Valeria Maltoni - Author
Pennsylvania, USA - Location
Marketing - Catagory
Connecting ideas and people—how talk can change our lives - Description

converstations - Blog Name
Mike Sansone - Author
Des Moines, USA - Location
Marketing, blogging - Catagory
Known as the blogging yoda (for insight not looks), Mike is a conversation generator. - Description

CrapHammer - Blog Name
Sean Howard - Author
Canada - Location
Marketing - Catagory
Marketing using new media. - Description

Customers Rock! - Blog Name
Becky Carroll - Author
California, USA - Location
Marketing, Customer Experience - Catagory
Marketing the customer experience; its importance for businesses. - Description

Diva Marketing - Blog Name
Toby Bloomberg - Author
Atlanta, USA - Location
Marketing - Catagory
The Diva herself, aligning technology, marketing and branding for businesses. - Description

Dmitry Linkov - Blog Name
Dmitry Linkov - Author
Moscow, Russia - location
Marketing, Business - Catagory
Everyday and business issues - Description

Drew's Marketing Minute - Blog Name
Drew McLellan - Author
USA - Location
Marketing, Eclectic - Catagory
Where strategy and passion collide - Description

eSoup - Blog Name
Sharon Sarmiento - Author
Alabama, USA - Locataion
Marketing, Entrepreneurism - Catagory
Productivity, marketing, web media, small biz development and other stuff entrepreneurs ought to know. - Description

Get Shouty! - Blog Name
Katie Chatfield - Author
Sydney, Australia - Location
Marketing, Planning - Catagory
Digital strategy and thoughts on blogging. - Description

Hee-Haw Marketing - Blog Name
Paul McEnany - Author
Texas, USA - location
Marketing - Catagory
There is no box. New media marketing strategy thrown together with a few cuss words and a dash of panache. - Description

Hola! Oi! Hi! - Blog Name
Katia Adams - Author
New York, USA - location
Marketing, Multicultural - Catagory
Thoughts of a Brazilian newly arrived in the US with a marketer’s point of view. - Description

Jeremy Latham’s Blog - Blog Name
Jeremy Latham - Author
Vancouver, Canada - Location
Marketing - Catagory
A marketing-business oriented blog on website development. - Description

John Wagner - Blog Name
John Wagner - Author
Texas, USA - location
Marketing - Catagory
News and views on marketing, advertising, media, PR and grass-roots communications - Description

Kinetic Ideas - Blog Name
Wendy Maynard -Author
Oregon, USA - Location
Marketing -Catagory
Marketing tips, ideas, strategies, and musings for small businesses. - Description

Logic + Emotion - Blog Name
David Armano - Author
Chicago, USA- Location
Marketing -Catagory
The intersection of marketing, brand engagement and experience design. How to turn your passive consumers into active brand participants. -Description

Marketing Hipster - Blog Name
Cord Silverstein - Author
Raleigh, USA - Location
Marketing -Catagory
Online oriented blog on marketing and web 2.0 tools. -Description

Mindblob - Blog Name
Luc -Author
Brussells, Belgium -location
Marketing -Catagory
Using alien intelligence to follow the path of ideas as they come to life. - Description

Multi-Cult Classics - Blog Name
HighJive - Author
Marketing, Advertising -Catagory
Musings on Multiculturalism in the Ad Industry and Beyond. -Description

Nick Rice - Blog Name
Nick Rice - Author
Kentucky, USA - Location
Marketing, branding -Catagory
Marketing strategy combined with creative thinking and design. - Description

On Influence & Automation - Blog Name
Douglas A. Karr - Author
Indiana, USA - Location
Marketing - Catagory
A marketing and technology blog -Description

Pardon My French - Blog Name
Eric Frenchman -Author
New Jersey, USA -Location
Marketing - Catagory
Online strategy and marketing with great case studies of real projects. - Description

Pow! Right Between The Eyes! - Blog Name
Andy Nulman -Author
Marketing -Catagory
The importance of surprise in business -Description

Purple Wren - Blog Name
Sandy Renshaw -Author
Iowa, USA - Location
Marketing - Catagory
Tools and techniques for communicating life through print and images. - Description

Servant of Chaos - Blog Name
Gavin Heaton -Author
Sydney, Australia - Location
Marketing -Catagory
Gavin’s rant on the world of branding and storytelling. - Description

Shotgun Marketing Blog -Blog Name
Chris Houchens - Author
Kentucky, USA - Location
Marketing -Catagory
Musings on marketing and related ideas. -Description

Small Business Blogging - Blog Name
Andy Wibbels -Author
Chicago, USA - Location
Marketing, Tech - Catagory
Using web media to market your business -Description

Tell Ten Friends - Blog Name
Jordan Behan - Author
Canada - Location
Marketing - Catagory
Marketing using new media to make connections. - Description

The Branding Blog - Blog Name
Martin Jelsema - Author
Marketing -Catagory
Branding principals, opinions and prejudices he's developed - Description

The Experience Curve - Blog Name
Karl Long - Author
California, USA - Location
Marketing, Social Media - Catagory
Social media and marketing from an experiential point of view. - Description

The Instigator Blog - Blog Name
Ben Yoskovitz - Author
Montreal, Canada - Location
Marketing - Catagory
Entrepreneurial focus on marketing, ideas and building your business - Description

The Marketing Minute - Blog Name
Drew McLellan - Author
Iowa, USA - Location
Marketing - Catagory
Expert insight into marketing and branding. And Drew loves Disneyland. - Description

The Viral Garden - Blog Name
Mack Collier - Author
Alabama, USA - Location
Marketing - Catagory
Mr Community leads the way in using technology to create conversation. - Description

Two Hat Marketing - Blog Name
Steve Miller - Author
Washington, USA - Location
Marketing -Catagory
Views on targeted marketing. - Description

Unconventional Thinking - Blog Name
Chris Kieff - Author
New York, USA - Location
Marketing -Catagory
The art and science of growing businesses - Description

Viaspire - Blog Name
A biz blog—Viaspire - Author
Marketing - Catagory
Marketing and Communications consulting firm blog -Description

Popcorn n Roses - Blog Name
TC Kirkham and Kim Brown - Author
Massachusetts, USA - Location
Movies - Catagory
Movie industry blog with reviews and musings. - Description

Current World news - Blog Name
News - Catagory
“Breaking” news across a couple of categories. Small archive. - Description

Choice at Your Fingertips - Blog Name
News, Blogging - Catagory
News and tips for making money blogging. No archive. - Description

Blogtrepreneur - Blog Name
Adnan -Author
UK - Location
Online Money Making - Catagory
How to be an online entrepreneur and also build community! - Description

Can I Make Big Money Online - Blog Name
George Brian Manty - Author
Online Money Making - Catagory
Tips for making money online including research, design and blogging. - Description

Dosh Dosh - Blog Name
Maki - Author
Online Money Making - Catagory
Trying to source legitimate methods for making money online. - Description

Internet Bazaar - Blog Name
Guhan Mathivanan - Author
Online Making Money - Catagory
Tips and ideas for making money online. - Description

Kumiko's Cash Quest - Blog Name
Kumiko - Author
Tokyo, Japan - Location
Online Money Making - Catagory
Trying to make money online and sharing the experience. - Description

Million Dollar Experiment heads Down Under - Blog Name
Rob St George - Author
New Zealand - Location
Online Money Making - Catagory
Can thinking positively make you a cool mill? Rob hopes so. - Description

Quest to make money on the internet - Blog Name
UK - Location
Online Money Making - Catagory
Currently up to £128, this site makes money by letting out its posting space. - Description

Critical Fluff - Blog Name
Jayniek - Author
Maryland, USA - Location
Personal - Catagory
Ranks various things in life with mulligans, crabapples, and pineapples. - Description

Forged Euphoria - Blog Name
Personal - Catagory
Some sponsored links. - Description

OrbitNow! - Blog Name
Troy Worman - Author
Florida, USA - Location
Personal - Catagory
Miscellaneous musings - Description

The Sartorialist - Blog Name
Photography, fashion - Catagory
Photos of fashion on the streets, geared to inspire designers. - Description

Bullshitobserver - Blog Name
Todd Anthony - Author
Politics - Catagory
Politics and commentary. - Description

New Millenium PR - Blog Name
Andrea Weckerle - Author
PR - Catagory
Bringing business, branding, marketing and PR together. - Description

The New PR - Blog Name
Ryan Anderson - Author
Ottawa, Canada - Locaation
PR - Catagory
Public relations in the online world. - Description

Carpe Factum - Blog Name
Timothy Johnson - Author
Project Management - Catagory
Blog that focuses on the things you need to do to accomplish things. Especially big things. - Description

Work, in Plain English - Blog Name
Penina S Finger - Author
Project Management - Catagory
A design and marketing focused blog on project management. Interesting mix! - Description

SEO Blog - Blog Name
SEO - Catagory
New site on SEO and use of blogs to improve rankings. - Description

Flee the Cube - Blog Name
ICesar - Author
California, USA - Location
Small Business - Catogory
Starting up a small business in web design. - Description

Community Guy - Blog Name
Jake McKee - Author
Dallas, USA - Location
Social media - Catagory
Online and offline community building tips and tricks. - Description

A Free and Decent Blog Host - Blog Name
Unfathomed_Psyche - Author
Tech - Catagory
Technology news focusing on blogs and blog software - Description

Billions With Zero Knowledge - Blog Name
Austin Hill - Author
Canada - Location
Tech, Business - Catagory
Changing the world with little bits of knowledge - Description

Connected Internet - Blog Name
Everton Blair - Author
London, UK - Location
Tech - Catagory
All things to do with technology, mobile phones and gaming. - Description - Blog Name
Darren Barefoot - Author
Canada - Location
Tech, marketing - Catagory
Tech news, writing and marketing - Description

Deepak - Blog Name
Deepak - Author
Tech - Catagory
Focuses on the technology of the Internet and loves Google. - Description

MapleLeaf 2.0 - Blog Name
Mark Evans - Author
Canada - Location
Tech - Catagory
Tech news stories relating to Canada - Description

Scott Burkett's Pothole on the Infobahn - Blog Name
Scott Burkett - Author
Georgia, USA - Location
Tech - Catagory
Musings on technology, IT management, and online community. - Description

Small Surfaces - Blog Name
Gabriel White - Author
Tech - Catagory
Interaction design, user interface design, user experience, usability and social trends related to mobile devices. - Description

TechBuzz - Blog Name
Thilak - Author
Mangalore, India - Location
Tech - Catagory
Tech new and reviews written by 17 year old in India. Awesome. - Description - Blog Name
Rob Masefield - Author
Travel - Location
Design and photography blog. - Description

Through the Lenses - Blog Name
Jas - Author
Vancouver, Canada - Location
Travel, Photography - Catagory
Travel/photography blog includes stunning shots and photography tips. - Description

The Best Guides to eCommerce with Favor - Blog Name
Viral marketing - Catagory
Viral marketing tools, memes and SEO tips. - Description

Web Metrics Guru - Blog Name
Marshall Sponder - Author
Web analytics - Catagory
Web analytics, in particular for blogs - Description

The Future of the Web - Blog Name
Jesse Skinner - Author
Canada - Location
Web Development - Catagory
Use of new technologies for the web. - Description

Social Media on the fly - Blog Name
Mark Krupinski - Author
Florida, USA - Location
Web media, blogging - Catagory
Learning social media on the fly - Description