Sunday, April 8, 2007

Blogger versus Typepad

It came to my attention that Blogger and Typepad were being promoted to beginning bloggers. Which to chose? Blogger is free which a big plus in my book, while Typepad charges a small fee.

CNET reviews compared the two stating that "Best known, and free, is Google Blogger. But you get what you pay for: Blogger is a basic blogging service that won't overpower beginners with too many options or choices. For a small monthly fee, however, Six Apart TypePad provides the services we'd like to see offered within Blogger, such as mixed-media templates, built-in photo uploading, and guest accounts. Ironically, Blogger makes it much easier to host your blogs on your own domain; TypePad allows it but also requires a little extra work between you and your ISP. "

I found that Blogger's Flickr makes it very easy to post images to your blog. As to templates, blogger offers your choice of templates and allows you into the HTML if you wish to change them. So far, I have not found enough incentive to switch to TypePad. After all, free is a very good argument for blogger.